Waterkloof Used Fine Print To Dodge Monnas On Saturday


It has been confirmed that Waterskool has withdrawn their 1stXV and u/16a rugby teams who were supposed to play against Monnas in Krugersdorp on Saturday due to a few positive Covid-19 cases.

According to an informed source, the actions by Waterkloof have been condoned by the Noordvaal organisers with the matches said to be moved to June by the Noordvaal officials.

The 2ndXV and 3rdXV are and will pitch up at Monnas to play in their planned fixtures which leaves a bitter taste in your mouth with several questions that will surely never be answered?

I do not in any manner suggest that the boys at Waterkloof must be forced to play, however, the Noordvaal organisers have just opened up a can of worms where Covid19 can be used as a "tool" to postponed matches with the hope that returning and injured players will be available on the postponed date.

However, to make it even a bit more absurd is the fact that Garsfontein was forced a few years ago to play in the then VirSeker Beker playoffs without several boys who were selected for national service, and I am sure that several other games were played without star and injured players etc?????????????????????????????????