Schools – Can Rustenburg Hoërskool Survive The “Monnas Raid”?


Following the sudden dismissal of Monnas Head of Rugby, Tjaart van der Walt, several unconfirmed rumours are doing the rounds regarding the reason for van der Walt's dismissal and his replacement.

As usual the for and against camps at Monnas have taken to social media to defend their "camp". 

However, what is more important to the NoordVaal family is the rumours regarding the replacement of van der Walt at Monnas.

The most popular, and admittedly coming from informed sources, rumour is that Naas Olivier, the current Director of Rugby at Rustenburg Hoërskool, has already packed his furniture in the removal truck for his move to Krugersdorp.

"Skinner" has it that he will also be joined by Rustenburg's main sponsor at Monnas.

What is even more alarming is according to "Skinner" twenty-plus players have also packed their suitcases. Concerned parents at Monnas apparently heard that these boys are moving into an already oversubscribed hostel facility at Monnas. Who is coming and who will be forced out?

If this happens it will be a cruel and devastating blow to Rustenburg's future in the NoordVaal Cup competition. Apart from losing their major drive behind their recent promotion to the Cup competition, Naas Olivier, and their sponsor and several stars, it must also be taken into account that according to "Skinner" the NoordVaal Cup competition will demote the bottom two schools at the end of the 2025/26 seasons to reduce the Cup competition to just eight schools.

This could see Rustenburg demoted to the Plate competition in a "more" streamlined and competitive NoordVaal competition planned.