Klein Grey vs Klein Boishaai at Grey College



I arrived in Bloemfontein on Thursday morning and was informed that Klein Grey and Klein Boishaai was playing rugby at Grey College. I immediately left everything as is and rushed to Grey College to enjoy a day of kaalvoet ruggas. Having visited Kenmare and Wildeklawer's under 13 Festival I was very interested to see Grey College's u/13A side versus Boishaai u/13A. At the Wildeklawer Festival, Paarl Gim's u/13A's comfortably won against Kenmare and Grey College and Grey College lost against Kenmare during the Grey u/13A week. Kenmare lost against Paarl Gim at both the final of the Grey u/13A tournament and at the Wildeklawer Festival. So to put everything in perspective Paarl Gim best of all schools mentioned, Kenmare second and can Boishaai beat Grey to be no three?

I arrived at Grey College at 12h30 only to be informed that the u13A is only playing at 14h30 and decided to walk around and watch some other games. Then suddenly it felt as if I was transported 20 years back in a second. Gone was the order found next to high schools rugby fields. Blankets with tassels were everywhere with a hundred and seven dribbling things on the blankets. Some screaming for milk, some screaming for sweets and most just screaming. Running in between these blankets was eight hundred and fifty boys running, playing their own game not even remotely interested in the games on the field. The fathers, I presume stood in groups of five to ten busy analysing the game that just happened or the game yet to come. Not even remotely aware of the total chaos surrounding them. The mommies running between the nappy bags and dribbling things and in the same movement making baby saving tackles in the ongoing game next to the field. Admittingly the mommy's movements are much more elegant than if high school mommies would attempt the same actions, and for that I thank them.

Then not to forget the most important people of the day the coaches, they were busy behind the poles trying to warm up the boys for the next match all 25 of them with no help. Wanting to impress the people next to the field he tried his best to look composed and in control. Doing rugby drills and warm-up exercises until a mother went to complain as there was no shade and her son will burn if he is exposed to the sun for a long period. He just looked at her with his mouth open as she walked away. Can only think of two reasons for his facial expression and I think the second one is more appropriate.




Then it was time for the big match to start. I went and sat against a container right where the teams were lining up to run onto the field. And then the fathers and coaches came to give advice. And I quote "onthou as jy die bal vang doen dit met sagte hande soos as ek aan mamma se boude vat, met sagte hande" and " remember you must open your eyes when you tackle then you will not miss him next time" and "look at me next to the field I will show you what to do" and " onthou jy is 'n stut jy moet stoot en pyle die hele dag lank totdat daai Capies huil" and "Hierso mamma sê jy moet jou neus uitblaas vor die game, en as jy nog in die game voel snork en sluk maar, sy gaan jou gatvelle aftrek as jy weer staan en in jou neus krap in die game".

Then the game between Boishaai and Grey's u10A began. The match started at a fast pace with Boishaai putting immediate pressure on Grey College scoring two quick tries early in the match leading 10-0 at half time. I was actually amazed at the level of competency these little ones displayed in all facets of the play. Really well drilled and with maybe the width of the field tiring the boys quicker than normal as they played on senior fields. As the action became slower my attention started to drift.




It is amazing how easy it was to distinguish between the two groups. The mommies from Boishaai were the ones who wore either boots on designer tekkies, where the mommies from Grey wore either normal tekkies, klooster shoes or high heels. Boishaai mommies wore more makeup than their counterparts a lot more and their jeans was a lot tighter fitting than the Grey mommies and strangely enough the blouses of the Boishaai mommies a lot looser than their counterparts.  

The dads were also easily distinguishable. Boishaai was divided into two groups. The group in the majority wore jeans and shirts, seemingly brand new with no crinkles visible. They stood upright almost as if a doctor just pressed his thumb up their anuses. And their faces expressed the experience. The rest of them wore designer jeans and T's bleached to look cheap. These young ones stood as if all their joints were dislodged. I struggle to find the right English word to describe it best. Maybe "slapgat met 'n houding" describes it best? The dads from Grey was also divided into two groups, there was one gentleman that also looked like the Boishaai dads with the thumb up his anus, only distinguishable by the Grey cap instead of the Boishaai cap. The rest of the Grey dads wore clothes for the reason they were designed for, to cover their body and feet. There were the two young ones who did not understand that the top of his pants must be at his waist and not under his armpits. It had to hurt it just had to.

As the crowd exploded in joy when Grey scored to take the score to 5-10 I noticed the difference in behaviour. The Grey parents were very vocal in their support where the Boishaai parents were very reserved. It sounded as if Grey was winning the game which they obvious was not. When Boishaai scored their third try to lead by the winning score 17-5 I decided to go to the main field for the U13A team's match. 

The U13A match was over within ten minutes with Grey College scoring three tries in that short period. the final score of 74-12 does not even start to describe the total dominance of this excellent team of Grey. Their no 8 was a menace with their backline all scoring tries. Grey definitely number three and Boishaai definitely not number four. 

A day I enjoyed a lot but do not think I will like to attend again. All the activities next to the field just too tiring.