Department Of Education Allow Contact-Sport Training AND Ban Travelling For ALL Sports

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The Department of Basic Education authorised the restart of contact sport training with immediate effect according to the Government Gazette Vol.668 published 12 February 2021 No 44154

Contact sports training may resume, provided that all social distancing, hygiene and safety measures are observed and that there is no physical contact between participants during training.

Non-contact sports training and matches, non-contact sport-related activities and all arts and culture school-based activities in schools, may resume without any spectators. However, national championships and tournaments for non-contact sport that require learners to travel to other schools or provinces are suspended under Adjusted Alert Level 3.

11. Sport and extracurricular activities

(1) Subject to sub-direction (2) and in compliance with social distancing, hygiene and safety measures to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19, non-contact sport training and matches, non-contact sport-related activities and all arts and culture school-based activities in schools, may resume without any spectators.

(2) The following safety measures must be adhered to when resuming the activities contemplated in sub-direction (1):

(a) The number of persons in the sporting venues, change rooms or training areas, at any given time, must not be more than 50% of the capacity of the venue with persons observing the social distancing requirements; (b) face masks must be worn by all persons entering the sporting venues, change rooms or training areas, except when participating in training or matches; (c) there must be sufficient quantities of hand sanitisers with at least 70% alcohol content available for use by all officials, coaches, assistants, learners and participants; (d) there must be facilities for washing of hands with soap and water; (e) all windows and doors must remain open, where feasible, to ensure adequate ventilation; (f) social distancing must be maintained at all times; and (g) the sharing of water bottles, energy drinks and other drinks is not allowed. This gazette is also available free online at 18 No. 44154

(3) Contact sport training may resume: Provided that all social distancing, hygiene and safety measures are observed and that there is no physical contact between participants during training.

(4) The school must ensure that sporting venues, tools and equipment are cleaned and sanitized before and after any sporting activities.

(5) Subject to compliance with the Regulations for Safety Measures in Public Schools, as published under Government Notice No. 1040 in Government Gazette No. 22754 of 12 October 2001, national championships and tournaments for non-contact sport that require learners to travel to other schools or provinces is suspended under Adjusted Alert Level 3.

(6) Subject to strict adherence to all social distancing, hygiene and safety measures, cocurricular and enrichment programmes, such as oral history, spelling bee, moot court, speech contests, debates and school clubs, may resume activities and competitive engagement may take place on virtual platforms as travel to other schools and provinces are suspended.

(7) Subject to strict adherence to all social distancing, hygiene and safety measures, solo vocal rehearsals practise are permitted.

(8) Choir practise or rehearsals, choir competitions, choir performances and interschool
choir events are suspended under Adjusted Alert Level 3.